Displaying Agendas and Minutes using Asset Listing Pages

Displaying Agendas and Minutes using Asset Listing Pages

Please Note: The instructions below are if you need to create a brand new page with a new structure. If you want to add files to existing pages then you simply upload your files to the correct folder. If you don't know what folder to upload your files too then go to Pages, Click on the page in question, click on "Page Settings" and find out which folder is set on the "folder" drop down on the page.

1. Creating Your Folder Structure

The first step in the process is to create your folder structure in "Files" and to upload any files into these folders (if you don't already have these folders set up)

Firstly, click on "Files" along the left hand side and then you will be greeted with a screen like the one below.


From here we recommending going into the "Uploads" folder by clicking on it.

Once you are in the "Uploads" folder you can then start to create your folders (if you don't already have them setup)

To create a new folder click "Add Folder" at the top and then you will be greeted by a box that asks you to give your folder a name. Type in the name of the folder i.e. "Agendas" and then click "Add Folder".

Do the same again if you need to subsequent folders such as Minutes.


2. Uploading Files to the folder

 To then upload files into these folders you need to click on "Files" and then navigate to the folder you want to upload it and click on it with a single click so you go into the folder.

From here, To upload new files, simply click the “upload” button  (see screenshot below of what the following screen looks like)


Click "Choose Files to Upload"

Once you click this button then this will take you to a screen which shows your computer file structure and from here you can choose to upload 1 or more files. To upload the file of your choice then double click on the file and following this you will see a green progress bar that takes you through this process. It will tell you when this process is completed.



3. Creating the page

To add a new asset listing page, click “Pages

Click “Add New

Choose whether you want this to be a “top level” page i.e. one that appears in the main menu or “under a page” i.e. a sub page underneath another page. In your case, you’d want to select “under a page” and then select the Finance page as the one to put it under.

Select “Asset Listing Page” if you are wishing to add a Asset Listing Page

click “Create

Give your page a “Page Name” and “Navigation Label” in the relevant boxes

Click the “Page Settings” tab


Where it says “Media to show” select “All Assets in a folder

Where it says “Settings for chosen Assets”, click the dropdown and find the folder you created in Files in the first step where your files reside.

Click "Save and Publish" at the bottom.