SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

19 Oct 2018

There are changes coming in the Internet world that will effect all websites eventually, but especially your own website which includes use of some user interaction i.e. a contact form, login area, password protected system.

What it’s all about

You’re going to hear a lot more about making your site safe for visitors in 2018 & beyond. So, a little (light) introduction about what, when and how may help. The “key” to it all is the padlock.

When you visit an online shop, you will see a padlock symbol appear in the address bar - or you should do! This means that the connection between your visitor’s PC (or whatever device they use) and your website has been encrypted so that no one can “overhear” the conversation. This means that miscreants (love that old word) can’t grab the credit card number, etc.

This is called the “SSL Certificate”. It is usually created by the company hosting your website and then counter signed by one of the Internationally recognised and trusted “signing” authorities; including Microsoft, Symantec, Thawte, Versign and a few more - names you may already know and trust. The “signing” authorities are confirming that you are the owner of the site and that it is a genuine site. Now, the PC is probably safeguarded by the visitor's own virus checker etc., your website is protected by the hosting company, and now with the link connecting the two are safeguarded.

What is happening 

In 2018 Google has already released an update to their Chrome Browser that will mark any sites with a website form or login area on it as “not secure”. (see below)


Over the coming months this will change to a red flag, followed by a warning page.  Other Internet browsers will reportedly follow suit and it appears that this requirement of having an SSL certificate will not just affect online shops or people who have user forms on them – but ultimately all Internet Browsers will be punishing any website which does not have a SSL certificate installed whether it has any user forms, shop system or not – indeed it is being reported now that Google are ‘punishing’ websites which doesn’t have them in their search engine results.

Why should I do anything about this?

  • It may put users off using your website and could potentially lead to a loss of business or interest in your organisation.
  • SSL provides visitor trust and confidence
  • SSL encrypts sensitive information
  • It potentially boosts your website ranking in Google

What I need to do

We are emailing you about this now because your website will be affected by this change, and we recommend getting an SSL certificate installed on your site.

In terms of next steps -  Most of the work is done by us, your hosting provider, and all you need to do is confirm you wish CAS to install a certificate on your site and pay CAS the fees detailed below.

To get an SSL certificate installed on your website, it will cost a one off charge of £36 inc VAT to setup and install the certificate. We have heavily discounted this price as we have seen many commercial providers are charging upwards of £150 in year one and £100 in following years to provide such a service.

If you are interested please call us on 01473 345360 or email us at onesuffolk@communityactionsuffolk.org.uk